Bargman had two versions of this backplate. They had a one-bulb version and a two-bulb version. The one-bulb version was branded the No.98. The two-bulb version was branded the No.99. We offer both but they are the same size and the same lens fits both.
This is a stainless steel reproduction of the backing plate for the one-bulb version of the Bargman Trail-Lite No.98 taillight. It includes the backing plate, bulb socket bracket, bulb socket, wire leads and bulb. It is everything you need except the lens, gasket and 3 lens mounting screws.
It fits our Trail-Lite No.99 (No. 98) lens perfectly and has a diameter of 6-1/4".
There are three mounting holes spaced like a triangle with distances measuring 3-3/16", 3-23/32", and 3-7/16". If you need the complete assembly, we offer this backing plate with a lens, gasket and screws for a discounted price!
WIRING NOTE: This taillight has one 1157 bulb. An 1157 bulb is an indexed two-filament bulb. That means that it has two filaments of different sizes. The brighter filament is wired to your turn signal and your brake. The dimmer filament is wired to the running lights. There is no ground wire. The bulb is grounded to your trailer body through the back plate.
Construction: Backing plate and bulb socket bracket are 24ga 430 bright annealed stainless steel. Threaded screw holes are aluminum. Bulb socket is mild steel.
NOTE: This item has been affected by a supply chain delay and is out of stock frequently. Contact us directly before ordering. It is a special order item.